(December 15, 2014) Maintaining and improving analytical test capabilities allows Alliance Technologies to meet a wide variety of test requests. Recent upgrades include addition of a TA Instruments Q600 simultaneous TGA-DSC, installation of an Agilent optimized axial ICP-OES, and a JEOL 6010LA Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with a back-scattered electron detector, an energy dispersive x-ray detector (EDX), and low vacuum capabilities. Alliance employs a number of techniques such as these for identification or characterization of challenging test specimens. The TA Q600 will be used in deformulation surveys, hazards assessment, off-gas analysis, and material characterization, the Agilent ICP-OES for elemental scans and quantitation of trace contaminants, and the JEOL SEM for identification of particulate unknowns or chemical morphology.
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